Prayer Ministry
With God,
All Things Are Possible
With God all things are possible. Therefore, whatever the challenge or desire for change in our lives, there is always an answer, a way to move into a new experience. Spirit is limitless in terms of creative power.
We use Spiritual Mind Treatment, focused affirmative prayer, as our way to confirm what we know is true, despite the appearance. We do not beg or barter but acknowledge our connection to God and know that we are co-creators in our lives.
It is with love that we provide Spiritual Mind Treatments on our Prayer Requests Page for your use. We also have a staff of Practitioners who can help you reach a new level of faith and conviction in the limitless creative power of Spirit.
What is a Science of Mind Practioner?
A Science of Mind Practitioner is a person of high spiritual
consciousness and deep understanding who is trained in the art, science, and skill of Spiritual Mind Treatment, which is our form of affirmative prayer.
A Practitioner is licensed to practice professionally, is bound by a high code of ethics to respect your confidence, and is dedicated to the cause of helping others. Our licensed Practitioners have completed a minimum of four years of training and an internship through Centers for Spiritual living. The letters, RScP after their names stand for Religious Science Practitioner. Spiritual counseling sessions are confidential except when state law requires us to report abuse or danger.
Sunday Prayer Is Our Gift To You
Our Licensed Practitioners and Ministers are available to provide Spiritual Mind Treatment (Affirmative Prayer) after our Sunday Service, in person or by written request. Sunday prayer is our gift to you, and there is no charge or fee, although donations are always welcome.
Private Appointments Are Also Available
At other times, you can make a personal appointment to meet with a licensed practitioner or minister in person, by phone or even by email. When setting up a private appointment with a Licensed Practitioner, it is customary to pay them a fee for their time. Each practitioner and minister sets their own fees. You can call or email Peggy Shinn at 575-650-7344 or; or email Maureen Jones at if you would like more information on how to set an appointment.
Remember – No one is denied help due to lack of funds. We have a Practitioner available every Sunday at no cost as our gift to you.